What is experience?

The word experience, is in itself experienced differently. This is the nub of the challenge with experience, and joy of it.

Experience can mean, the occurrence of an event that has a strong impact on us, or leaves us with an impression of what happened. This, of course, could be negative and/or positive.

It is a verb, action, or involvement we have when we undergo, or engage with, an event which might be described as an ‘enjoyable experience’ or ‘challenging experience’.

The word experience can also be used to identify how we make practical contact, participate in, or get involved in event, or things. It can also mean how we observe the facts around those events, and the ways in which we start to make sense of what happened.

How we make sense, might involve the experiential processing from exposure to the ‘happening’, by being aware of it and seeking ways to get insight into what it means for us.

As the quote from Einstein prompts us to remember,  experience is the building block of knowledge. DENT© builds on this, and says that ongoing engagement with others, in our learning brings mutual benefits, social advancement, and personal growth.

What is experience?