How to manage the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, & Ambiguity (VUCA) of life?

DENT© starts with the dynamism of the world in which we all find ourselves.

Dynamic has two meanings. If we talk about the process of the system (like the world, organisation, or families of which we may be a part), then dynamic is about the constant pace of change, activity, or progress that is being made, like the ‘dynamic economy’ our government strives for and in which, you, of course, have a vital part to play!

Have you ever felt that things moved faster than you?  That you were unsure as to how to handle it? Often because it felt like it was too difficult to understand? Or that is was just not clear enough what it was all about?

If you did, it was because you felt stopped by RED VUCA (see picture above). But there is no need for alarm, because the other way that dynamic gets used, is in describing a person who is positive in attitude, energised, full of new ideas, and assertive.

The DENT© Model describes how to get GREEN VUCA, by simply finding your solidity, being purposeful, and acting in mutuality with others.

DENT© is a straightforward, simple model, that builds on the sense of the of individual and their views, and instructs on how to act co-operatively for success.  

How to manage the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, & Ambiguity (VUCA) of life?